Learn computer skills
Join us for a series of free basic computer classes on Wednesdays at 2 p.m.
Oct. 2 — Intro to Gmail
Learn how to label, organize and search for emails, attach items from your Google Drive account, avoid spam, and more.
Oct. 9 — Intro to Google Drive
Google is more than a search engine and email. Learn about Google Drive’s free cloud storage space and how to use it.
Oct. 16 — Intro to Google Docs
Learn how to create a folder in your Google Drive account, create and edit a Google document, and how to share it, print it and more.
These hour-long classes will be held in UCPL’s makerspace. and a limited number of Chromebooks will be provided during the training. Spaces for these programs are limited, so email reference@ucitylibrary.org or call the reference desk at 314-727-3150 to reserve your spot. These classes are for an adult audience.