Learn computer skills

Join us for a series of free basic computer classes on Wednesdays at 2 p.m.

Oct. 2 — Intro to Gmail
Learn how to label, organize and search for emails, attach items from your Google Drive account, avoid spam, and more.

Oct. 9 — Intro to Google Drive
Google is more than a search engine and email. Learn about Google Drive’s free cloud storage space and how to use it.

Oct. 16 — Intro to Google Docs
Learn how to create a folder in your Google Drive account, create and edit a Google document, and how to share it, print it and more.

These hour-long classes will be held in UCPL’s makerspace. and a limited number of Chromebooks will be provided during the training. Spaces for these programs are limited, so email reference@ucitylibrary.org or call the reference desk at 314-727-3150 to reserve your spot. These classes are for an adult audience.

Lots of virtual author talks coming up!

Check out online author events with features bestselling and highly acclaimed authors!

Thanks to a partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium, UCPL is excited to offer a free, virtual series of author talks two to three times a month. The featured writers and thought leaders will cover a wide range of fiction and nonfiction genres, and all events include the opportunity to ask questions of the author. Check out a complete list of events, both upcoming and archived, at https://libraryc.org/ucitylibrary.

Join us for monthly events just for senior residents!

Older adults are invited to join us on the second Friday of each month at 11 a.m. in the auditorium for a new series of lunch-and-learn events focused on U.City’s senior residents. The monthly series will feature local experts discussing programs and services that are available for seniors in the St. Louis area. Upcoming events and topics are:

  • Friday, Oct. 11 — Medicare
  • Friday, Nov. 8 — Tax Preparation
  • Friday, Dec. 13 — Legacy Planning & Probate

     Lunch is provided free-of-charge to those over 60 who pre-register for the event. Free transportation may be available to those who qualify. Call 636-207-0847 to register and learn more. Visit our events calendar to learn more, and for links to register online.
     This series is presented in partnership with the University City Senior Commission and Aging Ahead.