Genealogy Resources

FamilySearch is a free online genealogy resource that combines more than 1 billion historical records from around the world, providing information to help users create their own family tree. A free account is required.

HeritageHub provides free access to newspaper obituaries dating back to 1704, includes coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7 using your UCPL card.

Heritage Quest

HeritageQuest Online provides free access to genealogical resources including U.S. and Canadian historical censuses, Freedman’s records, and U.S. Indian census rolls.

The Missouri Bureau of Vital Records provides a central registry for all Missouri births, deaths, marriages, and divorces. Certificates may be requested through the office, though there may be fees involved.

Missouri Digital Heritage provides free access to more than 9 million historical records kept by the Missouri State Historical Society, State Library, State Archives, and other agencies.