Youth Summer Reading
Adventure begins on May 10th at
University City Public Library!
Start counting how many minutes you read May 10! You can read or listen to books, magazines, or newspapers to fill in the your time sheet.
For Readers Ages 0 t0 3: Check off a box on the time sheet for each book you read with your child. Books may be repeated!
Downloadable Reporting Sheet – Ages 0 to 3
For Readers Ages 4 and up: Each circle on the time sheet represents 1 hour of reading. The sections represent 15 minutes. Shade in the amount of time you read!
Downloadable Reporting Sheet – Ages 4 and up
When your reporting sheet is full, bring it to the University City Public Library on Delmar Boulevard during our reporting times:
May 17-Aug 2 (Grand Prize Winners Picked on July 19!)
Monday-Friday: 3 p.m. to 7 p.m
Saturday-Sunday: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Pre-printed Reporting Sheets are available for pick up at the library during reporting times.
Who can volunteer? U City Library asks that our summer reading program volunteers be entering at least the 7th Grade at the time that they volunteer.
What do our volunteers do? Volunteers attend training in May, and then work at least one 1-hour shift per week for at least 4 weeks in May, June & July.
They also:
👂LISTEN to young readers and award them prizes 🎉WIN prizes for themselves
🤗 MAKE friends and have fun 👍EARN community service hours
We are currently no longer training volunteers for the 2024 Summer Reading Program. Please submit your email at the link below if you’d like us to contact you to be a volunteer in 2025!
This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.